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Welcome to the DART+ Coastal North Project

The DART+ Coastal North Project will provide an extension of the existing electrified rail network from Malahide to Drogheda MacBride stations and will provide the infrastructure to facilitate an increase to the rail capacity on the Northern Line between Dublin City Centre and Drogheda MacBride Station, including the Howth Branch. The DART+ Coastal North project has now sought statutory approval for its design, with the submission of a Railway Order application to An Bord Pleanála on the 12th July 2024.

DART+ Coastal North Introduction

Iarnród Éireann has concluded the second phase of non-statutory public consultation on the 'Preferred Option' (PO) for the DART+ Coastal North project. The feedback and submissions received will undergo thorough review and assessment during the continuous design development. After a comprehensive analysis of the feedback, a public consultation report will be generated to document this process. This report will be used to support the development of the Railway Order (RO) application to be submitted to An Bord Pleanála.

Train Frequency Graphic

  • Extend the electrification of the Northern Line from Malahide to Drogheda (circa 37km), including necessary re-signalling of the line;

  • Facilitate the future increase in capacity and frequency of trains through the construction of train stabling and other necessary rail infrastructure improvements in the vicinity of Drogheda MacBride, Malahide, Clongriffin and Howth Junction & Donaghmede Stations; 

  • Implement significant upgrades and enhancements at Howth Junction & Donaghmede Station to deliver accessibility improvements and provide for a better overall customer experience at the station.

  • Deliver the infrastructure at Howth Junction and Donaghmede Station that will enable the operation of both a DART shuttle service on the Howth Branch Line as required, and/or a direct through service to/from Dublin City Centre, allowing for the capacity and frequency of DART+ services on both the Northern, and Howth Branch, lines to be maximised and to help future-proof the network; 

  • Support growing communities, businesses, and future development by providing high-quality integrated public transport services in line with Government policy including the National Planning Framework and Climate Action Plan.. 

Your knowledge will help inform the design and help Iarnród Éireann to improve our project plans, ensuring that it will be beneficial for you and the communities it will serve. 

Delivery of the DART+ Coastal North project will support existing communities along the railway and support future sustainable development. The project will serve all existing stations along the railway corridor between Dublin City Centre and Drogheda MacBride Station, including those located on the Howth Branch, with electric powered trains that have a lower carbon footprint than the existing diesel trains. The frequency and quality of service will provide a viable transport alternative to communities along the route and help encourage people to migrate from private car use. This will assist Ireland in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport and help combat climate change.  

The extended electrification of the Northern Line will, in so far as possible, remain within the existing railway corridor. However, studies completed to date have identified a limited number of infrastructural interventions, which may require additional land take e.g. substations, bridge modifications and construction compounds.

Key Infrastructural Elements

DART+ Coastal North is seeking to extend the existing electrified rail network from Malahide to Drogheda (circa 37km) as well as increasing rail capacity on the Northern Line between Dublin City Centre and Drogheda MacBride Station, including the Howth Branch.

DART+ Coastal North Route Map

The DART+ Coastal North Project extends from East Wall Junction (Tolka River) as far as Drogheda MacBride Station and is inclusive of the Howth Branch of the Northern Line. The existing extents of electrified rail infrastructure currently terminates at Malahide and it is proposed to extend this electrification, by circa 37km, as far north as Drogheda as part of the project. There are currently 19 operational stations included within the full extents of the DART+ Coastal North route bringing passengers into and out of the city centre.

Benefits of DART+ Coastal North

This project will have far reaching positive transportation effects by providing a sustainable transport system with increased passenger capacity and frequency. This will be beneficial to surrounding and future communities and will assist in reducing dependency on private cars.

DART+ Coastal North Railway Order application

The DART+ Coastal North project has now sought statutory approval for its design, with the submission of a Railway Order application to An Bord Pleanála on the 12th July 2024.

Public Consultation Process

Public participation is a key element to the delivery of major infrastructure projects, such as DART+ Coastal North.

View Public Consultation Information

Public Consultation No. 1 – Closed

Public Consultation No. 1 on the Emerging Preferred Option for the DART+ Coastal North is now closed.

Public Consultation No. 2

Public Consultation No. 2 on the Preferred Option for the DART+ Coastal North is now closed.

Railway Order Application Statutory Consultation

The Railway Order application for DART+ Coastal North was submitted on 12th July 2024

Preferred Option

The option assessment studies have led to the identification of the ‘Preferred Option’ as presented.

Next Steps

Here you will find information on the option selection process, design development methodology and the railway order application process.

Useful Resources & Downloads

Here you will find useful DART+ Coastal North material for you to download.

How to Engage

Here you will find details on how to get in touch.
