DART+ DART+ West Railway Order Application

DART+ West Railway Order Application


Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) has applied to An Bord Pleanála for approval of a Railway Order for the DART+ West project. Subject to approval, the Railway Order will authorise CIÉ to carry out railway works and all works necessary to enable the construction, operation, maintenance and improvement of railway. The project involves the electrification of approximately 40 km of permanent way (railway line) from Dublin City centre to west of Maynooth and to M3 Parkway Station and all associated supporting infrastructure.

A copy of the newspaper notices in the Irish Independent and relevant local/regional newspapers circulating along the DART+ West route is provided below:

Newspaper Notice 12th September 2022

Newspaper Notice 25th July 2022

Newspaper Notice 09th November 2023

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